The Unknown Journey Continues...
escaping from the dystopian city of Midgar, Cloud and his friends set out on a
journey across the planet. New adventures await in a vibrant and vast world – sprint
across grassy plains on a Chocobo and explore
expansive environments.
An Expansive World
the party searches for Sephiroth, you will explore the beautiful, expansive
regions of the world and open up new areas to discover. Dig deeper into the
world of FINAL FANTASY VII with rewarding side content and mini-games, plus
various unique forms of transportation to navigate the world.
An Evolved Battle System
strategic thinking with thrilling action combat alongside your comrades,
including newly added characters. Deepen their relationships to unleash
powerful team-based combos .
Beyond the Walls of Fate
In this standalone adventure for fans and
newcomers, Cloud and his comrades venture across the planet, their fates
unwritten, making each step outside the dystopian city of Midgar fresh and